Wacky Factorials

We all know the definition of the factorial ! as but there are even more definitions of factorials that mathematicians have invented. Double Factorial The double factorial looks like this . It can be used to easily denote the product of the odd or even numbers less than or equal to n     Subfactorial …

Fractal Flow

Fractal Flow is my largest programming project so far; here’s a little about it: Early days I started Fractal Flow on January 12th 2022, after a few months of learning and tinkering with the Windows Presentation Foundation in my Computer Science class. The application was to be my coursework, which makes up 20% of the …

Reflected Gradient Formula

The inverse of a function can be found by swapping x and ys in an equation (and then rearrange back to terms of x). This has the effect of reflecting the original function in the line y = x, as you are essentially just swapping the x and y axis. Some mates and I sat …