Big Page on Vectors

A vector is a quantity with both direction and magnitude Vectors can also be denoted (xi + yj + zk) and the vector variable can be called The way you use a vector depends on if you are treating that vector as a position vector or a direction vector. A vector is a position vector …

Big Page on Matrices

What is a Matrix?? A matrix is a way of showing information efficiently. It is a rectangular array of numbers. Matrices have two dimensions: the number of rows (usually denoted as as m) and the number of columns (denoted as n). The order of a matrix describes it’s size. Operations on Matrices Addition and Subtraction …

Decision Maths 1 Revision

Sorting Algorithms Bubble Sort Numbers are sorted into ascending order by comparing pairs of numbers. If the number on the left is larger than the number on the right, the two numbers are swapped. If the number on the right is larger, everything is kept the same. This process is repeated until the list is …